This is the submission platform for the workshop hosted by Babak Fakhamzadeh at UMinho, part of The Walking Body 2025.
The objective of this collaborative piece is to create a sound walk/drive which follows the route of bus number 4, which makes a circular journey around the center of Guimarães.
Submitted material will be available here, but will also be integrated into a separate piece, specifically designed to facilitate a sound walk (or drive).
To contribute:
- Register on WLC.
- Login to write @ WLC.
- Return to this very page.
- Use the submit button at the top of the page to add a submission.
- When happy with your draft, submit it to this project.
- Your submission will be reviewed and made public.
- Add your audio to your submission.
The crux of your submission is a short audio piece that is connected to a location on the route of bus number 4. The audio piece can be a soundscape, or it can be a narrative piece, like a very short story, a poem, a memory, etc.
You first submit a text, which for a soundscape could simply be a placeholder. You connect your submission to a place on the route of bus number 4.
You then submit your audio piece, associated with your submitted text.
Babak Fakhamzadeh | Instance administrator |