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Guimarães sound walk/drive

Open for submissions
Submission visibility: All submissions are public
Accepted types: Other

This is the submission platform for the workshop hosted by Babak Fakhamzadeh at UMinho, part of The Walking Body 2025.

The objective of this collaborative piece is to create a sound walk/drive which follows the route of bus number 4, which makes a circular journey around the center of Guimarães.

Submitted material will be available here, but will also be integrated into a separate piece, specifically designed to facilitate a sound walk (or drive).

To contribute:

  1. Register on WLC.
  2. Login to write @ WLC.
  3. Return to this very page.
  4. Use the submit button at the top of the page to add a submission.
  5. When happy with your draft, submit it to this project.
  6. Your submission will be reviewed and made public.
  7. Add your audio to your submission.

The crux of your submission is a short audio piece that is connected to a location on the route of bus number 4. The audio piece can be a soundscape, or it can be a narrative piece, like a very short story, a poem, a memory, etc.

You first submit a text, which for a soundscape could simply be a placeholder. You connect your submission to a place on the route of bus number 4.
You then submit your audio piece, associated with your submitted text.

Babak Fakhamzadeh Instance administrator
